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Welcome to Quirky Tales and thank you for taking the time to visit.

Inspiration for the stories on this website comes from a variety of sources: the news, people I spot in the street, distant memories and sometimes even dreams. They're the ideas that come to me when I should be concentrating on writing my novels but get distracted, or when I'm sitting in a waiting room wishing I was somewhere else. There are no specific genres, I just tend to write whatever comes to mind. Some are sad, some are emotional, some are light-hearted, others are more reflective. There should be something here for everyone.

I am always interested to hear people's reactions to my stories, so please feel free to leave feedback. Your details will, of course, be protected. If you would like to contact me directly click the email button on the left.

I hope you enjoy your time here. Check back regularly, as more stories will be added as they appear in my journal.


The copyright for all material on this website belongs to Kay Lawrence. Material from this site may not be duplicated, published or used without the author's permission.